IU 2021-2022 Academic Year Decisions Regarding the Execution of Associate Degree, Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

The following decisions have been taken regarding the execution of associate, undergraduate and graduate programs at Istanbul University for the 2021-2022 academic year:

  1. Theoretical and applied courses at all teaching levels will be conducted with a face-to-face teaching model. However, in order to use the physical facilities in the most efficient way within the framework of the epidemic conditions, considering the quality, the pedagogical structure of the programs and the number of students in the courses, in line with the decisions of the academic units, the courses in the curricula of the programs should be covered at least 20%, and at most 40% of the total ECTS, digital learning and distance education method will be used.
  2. Eight content types of teaching materials (textbook, lecture notes, lecture presentation, lecture video, coursebook link, lecture note link, lecture presentation link, lecture video link) for all education levels will continue to be uploaded to the Istanbul University Learning Management System. 
  3. Midterm, final and make-up exams of theoretical and applied courses will be held face to face.
  4. In the lessons that will be held with face-to-face teaching method; in line with the course of the epidemic, the pedagogical structure and quality of the course, diluted and/or grouped teaching models can be used within the framework of the decision of the relevant academic unit.

  5. In the face-to-face lessons, taking into account the physical structure of the classroom and the number of students attending the lesson, the necessary hygiene and ventilation conditions will be provided by taking a break every 20 minutes, not exceeding five minutes.
  6. Students are required to enter the campus areas with their HES Codes and have their vaccination cards (certificates) ready. Accordingly, our students are required to have the second dose of vaccine at least 15 days before the date they want to enter the campus or to have a negative PCR Test taken 72 hours in advance at most.